Introduction: Hair transplants are on the rise worldwide. There are two methods for donor harvesting: FUT (linear excision) and FUE (follicular unit excision). Both methods result in scars; FUT results in a linear scar, and FUE results in diffused small scars.
Objective: How to treat widened donor scars that result from FUT.
Material and Methods: Different methods of repair, such as scalp micropigmentation (SMP), scar revision, and hair grafts, are discussed showing how to improve the widened donor scar.
Results: Using FUE and placing grafts inside the widened donor scar is the best method in my hands for achieving good results.
Conclusion: If the patient keeps their hair long enough, it will cover the hairless widened scar. When done properly, SMP can also achieve good results and camouflage the scar. However, the result of scar revision is unpredictable.
- donor scar
- scar revision/repair
- widened scar
- hypertrophic scar
- keloidal scar
- atrophic scar
- follicular unit transplantation (FUT)
- Copyright © 2020 by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery
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