As a participant in the first OLSW in 1995, I can reflect on the event as a great learning experience that changed my life forever, both as a hair transplant surgeon and as a person.
The OLSW has always been the place for knowledge, camaraderie, and friendship. It has impacted and influenced the hair restoration industry for the past 20 years. Whether it consisted of general sessions, the surgery rooms, or the hallways, the OLSW has always been the place to interchange ideas, teach and learn, or have a frank discussion on any topic for hair restoration surgeons.
It has been an honor and privilege to be part of the OLSW for the past 18 years (the last 14 years as Co-Chairman and Scientific Coordinator), and I’m honored that it gave me the opportunity to work with Dr. Matt Leavitt, Valarie Montalbano, the OLSW team and faculty, and, most importantly, the patients. The patients are the most valuable members of our community and I’ve been privileged to work with them through the OLSW.
I will always be grateful to the OLSW for its impact on my professional and personal life. I hope that our passion, our knowledge, and our mission will always be transmitted to all generations of hair restoration surgeons through the OLSW’s impact. And thank you to Drs. Ken Williams and Ricardo Mejia for their summaries of this year’s meeting.
- Copyright © 2014 by The International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery
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