Index by author
March/April 2014; Volume 24,Issue 2
Barusco, Marco N.
- You have accessComplications and Difficult Cases: A Case Report of Central Area Necrosis Following a Hair Transplant ProcedureMarco N. Barusco and Kamran JazayeriHair Transplant Forum International March 2014, 24 (2) 58-59; DOI:
Buttafarro, Franco
- You have accessRegional Societies Profiles: Association of Hair Restoration Surgeons–IndiaSandeep Sattur and Franco ButtafarroHair Transplant Forum International March 2014, 24 (2) 68-69; DOI:
Carman, Timothy
- You have accessHow I Do It: Techniques for Consistent Before and After PhotographsTimothy Carman and Steven GabelHair Transplant Forum International March 2014, 24 (2) 64-65; DOI:
Cole, John P.
- You have accessCyberspace Chat: The Safe Donor Area (SDA)John P. Cole and Bradley R. WolfHair Transplant Forum International March 2014, 24 (2) 62-63; DOI:
Cooley, Jerry E.
- You have accessHair SciencesJerry E. CooleyHair Transplant Forum International March 2014, 24 (2) 60; DOI:
Dua, Kapil
- You have accessMeetings and Studies: Review of the Joint 3rd Asian & 5th Indian Associations of Hair Restoration Meeting—HAIRCON 2013David Perez-Meza and Kapil DuaHair Transplant Forum International March 2014, 24 (2) 66-67; DOI:
Gabel, Steven
- You have accessHow I Do It: Techniques for Consistent Before and After PhotographsTimothy Carman and Steven GabelHair Transplant Forum International March 2014, 24 (2) 64-65; DOI:
Gambino, Vincenzo
- You have accessPresident’s MessageVincenzo GambinoHair Transplant Forum International March 2014, 24 (2) 42; DOI:
Hwang, Jung-wook
- You have accessComparison Between the Survival Rate of Original Single Follicular Units and Single Follicles Divided from 2- or 3-Hair UnitsSoo-ho Park and Jung-wook HwangHair Transplant Forum International March 2014, 24 (2) 50; DOI:
Jazayeri, Kamran
- You have accessComplications and Difficult Cases: A Case Report of Central Area Necrosis Following a Hair Transplant ProcedureMarco N. Barusco and Kamran JazayeriHair Transplant Forum International March 2014, 24 (2) 58-59; DOI: